

Deadlines for client payment orders during Jeûne Genevois 2024

In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines:


Deadline Currencies Value Date
Wednesday, 04.09.2024, 14:00 CHF Friday, 06.09.2024
Wednesday, 04.09.2024, 14:00 AED/AUD/CAD/DKK/EUR/GBP/HKD/
Thursday, 05.09.2024


Payment orders entered via e-Banking are subject to the same constraints.

Working schedule staff members during Jeûne Genevois 2024

BankMed (Suisse) SA is closed on:

·         Thursday, 05.09.2024

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In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines:

In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines:

In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines:

In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines:

In order to ensure proper execution of client’s orders please adhere to the following deadlines: